Managing Tooth Sensitivity

Managing Tooth Sensitivity

If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that nobody likes sensitive teeth! Tooth sensitivity can cause discomfort during daily tasks such as brushing, flossing, eating, drinking, and even breathing in a cold gush of air! If you are experiencing tooth...
Why is Fluoride So Good for Our Teeth?

Why is Fluoride So Good for Our Teeth?

We dentists make a pretty big deal about fluoride and how good it is for your teeth. Truly, fluoride is the best cavity fighter out there, helping our teeth stay healthy and strong! But how exactly does fluoride do such an awesome job at keeping our mouths...
Don’t Lose Your Remaining Dental Benefits!

Don’t Lose Your Remaining Dental Benefits!

With the holidays fast approaching we tend to get caught up in all of the excitement and forget to take care of ourselves. Give yourself the gift of completed dental care and don’t give your insurance company the gift of your hard-earned remaining benefits! Most...
Our Hidden Superpower: Smiling!

Our Hidden Superpower: Smiling!

Smiling at someone can turn their whole day around. But have you ever thought about the impact the act of smiling has on YOU? Smiling is a hidden superpower that can change our lives for the better if we let it! Smiling Has Numerous Health Benefits Did you know that...
Treating and Preventing Cavities

Treating and Preventing Cavities

Many of us have had at least one cavity in our lives, and if we don’t keep up on our oral hygiene, it’s likely that we’ll get a couple more as time goes by. While cavities may be inconvenient, it’s imperative that we get them treated immediately. Early treatment of...
What is Sedation Dentistry?

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Only 50% of adults see the dentist regularly. A large portion of those avoid regular dental care due to anxiety and fear caused by previous dental appointments. There are many things about dental care that can cause anxiety: media portrayal of dentists, sounds,...