Here are some tips for making your child’s first dental visit a positive one:
Remember that the dental staff will greet your child in a playful, complimentary manner.
It is important for everyone — dental staff and parents — to keep the first visit a positive, fun one.
The hygienist and dentist may refer to “counting teeth” or “tickling teeth” as a part of the oral examination and cleaning.
If your child becomes fussy or fidgety, remember that this is typically short lived. Encourage your child to listen to and to respect the dentist and hygienist. In the majority of cases, it is a fun experience and parents are often surprised by its success-fulness and positive tone.
If your child should try to avoid the experience, stay calm and be supportive of the dentist and hygienist. Use positive terms and respect the instructions of the dental staff. Follow their lead — they are trained medical professionals with years of experience.
The friendly, expert staff at Beautiful Smiles has ONLY your child’s best interests at heart.
Remain calm and relaxed at all times. Any anxiety on your part will be transferred to your child, making this visit — and all future visits — challenging and problematic.
Avoid terms or images that could cause fear or panic. For example, do not mention words such as drill, pull, needle, and hurt.
Lastly, show confidence and trust in the dental staff by remaining in the reception area until invited to the treatment room by the dentist, hygienist, or office manager.
The staff at Beautiful Smiles takes great pride in developing positive attitudes about your child’s oral health. If there is anything that could help our staff to understand your child’s behavior like illness, family history, or school problems, please share them with us.
Healthy Habits
Brushing twice a day with toothpaste, flossing once a day, and limiting sugary snacks and beverages is how you do it. It’s simple but sometimes life gets busy and you might be tempted to skip it. Don’t. A bright smile makes you feel good inside and out. Make sure to see your dentist regularly, too.
Did you know that what you eat and when you eat it affects not only your overall health but your dental health too? Eating healthy foods help keep your teeth and body healthy. That’s why you should try to keep the amount of sweets you eat or drink to a minimum. If you have something sweet, try to eat or drink it with a meal to limit the exposure.
If your child is experiencing anxiety, stress, or simply wants to learn more about dental health, please share these videos with them.
Educational Activities
Click on the images below to download and print some fun activities for your child that can also teach them some important dental health concepts.